In the Spotlight – Attleborough Amateur Boxing Club

Attleborough Amateur Boxing Club in Norfolk has been declared fighting fit by Sport England, with the award of a national Clubmark.

Clubmark accreditation is a sign that Sport England recognises the club as a high quality, welcoming environment for juniors. It recognises that the club is committed to encouraging more youngsters to take part in the sport and to improving their enjoyment of boxing.

Attleborough ABC provides opportunties for people from the age of 8, with coaching for youngsters aged 11 onwards.  The team behind the club’s success includes; coaches Jon Dennis and Andrew ‘Bud’ Royden, chairman Jeremy Burton, club secretary Peter Neale, president Richard Caston, treasurer Mel Dennis, and child protection officer and coach Clare Judge.

Clare O’Hara, National Facilities and Clubs Development Manager, said: ‘Attleborough ABC has worked hard to achieve the high standards that Clubmark requires of clubs.

‘The award of Clubmark accreditation is testament to the commitment of all of the club’s coaches and volunteers who work tirelessly to support the ongoing development of their boxers.  On behalf of the ABAE I would like to congratulate Attleborough ABC and I’m sure that they will continue to go from strength to strength in 2012 and beyond.’

You can read more about Attleborough ABC and their members at their website: