Tough Sparring Weekend in the North West
What a great weekend of hard sparring against top quality opposition. We made the 5 hour journey to Blackpool on Saturday and arrived at Sharpstyle ABC for some tough sparring against very experienced and talented boxers from the North West and Irelands St Johns. This was a fantastic experience for everyone concerned and even though we were inexperienced in comparison we gave a good account of ourselves in a session that really put us to the test. After many rounds against different boxers we left Blackpool weary but having learnt lots. We then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening unwinding and reflecting on the days event.
After a good nights sleep we were on the road again , this time visiting Bridgewater Salford for more sparring against the same opposition as the previous day and the Welsh club Clwyd. Once again it was a very hard session but learning from the previous day we acquitted ourselves very well boxing more positively and putting some of the things we lacked on day1 into practice with much better and pleasing results.
A big thankyou to Andy Rea for organising the weekend and both hosts for making us so welcome.
Each boxer who represented ABC this weekend will of learnt something and will improve from the whole experience. They conducted themselves in a professional and respectful way all weekend doing themselves and club proud.
Well Done TeamABC